When you are signed into the Online Check Printing website for the first time, you must ensure that your printer is set up to print your checks correctly. Please follow these steps to ensure your printer is ready on day one.
- First, sign into the OCP website.
- Once signed in, navigate to Configure Printer.
- When setting it up, choose the orientation that describes how you would load paper into your printer.
- Next, leave the offsets at 0 to determine where your printer prints at stock settings.
- Next, load regular, blank paper into your printer and print out the check template.
- Take the template and a blank piece of check stock while holding them together up to a light source, and see if the text from the template lines up with their designated locations on the stock.
- If you need to, navigate back to where you can adjust the offset and change as needed.
Note: Negative numbers will move the stock left Horizontal and down for Vertical. positive numbers will move the text to the right for Horizontal and up for Vertical. Increments of 10 will move the text to a total of one inch.