To make the Prep Use fields required:
Log in to Gannon Online as the Admin user or as any other user with the Administrator role.
On the Settings menu, select Custom Questions.
Click Edit when you see a listing of all 15 preparer user fields.
You can create a list of possible selections or select the required box to make the field appear required on the Support site.
Below is an excerpt from the Gannon Online Admin Functions lesson hosted in the Practice Lab:
Preparer Use Fields can be customized by clicking on Custom Fields. Additions or changes to the custom fields and pick lists to apply to new and existing returns.
Click the Custom Fields option.
Gannon Online displays the 15 Preparer Use Fields in numerical order. Select the Edit link next to the desired Preparer Use Field.
The dialog box opens for the administrator to create a custom question and add a custom picklist that will display in the appropriate preparer use field. The custom question and picklist will display on the Custom Question page in the Interview Wizard.
Adding a custom question prompts the preparer to ask the taxpayer site-specific questions. The picklist will display on the appropriate Prep Use field on the Main Information Sheet.
The Administrator can identify the question as required by checking the required box.
The values must be alphanumeric characters only and be listed on separate lines. There is a maximum of 25 values per list. The maximum length of each entry is defined on each of the 15 prep use fields.
Select the Update link to save the information entered for the Preparer Use Field. Click on another Preparer Use Field link and repeat these steps for additional information gathering.
Note: Preparer Use Fields 11 and 12 are reserved for IRS-defined questions and are set up and delivered with the Master Template. The information for Preparer Use Fields 1-10 carries forward each year during Prior Year Carry Forward. Preparer Use Fields 13, 14, and 15 are new for Gannon Online 2010 and will not carry forward during the Prior Year Carry Forward.
This information applies to all Online software.